Citydressing Campaign Rotterdam (NL) The design of the citydressing by me and studio VOLLAERSZWART is based on the King's Day theme 'We are all Kings & Queens' and on the orange point flags that are used at every national party. Whether it's King's Day or a World Cup. The orange pointy flag – the symbol of unity – has been enlarged to XXL for this occasion. And the XXL is not merely a reference to its size; it also refers to the Roman symbol X which means 10, aligning with the 10 years of Kingship celebrated in 010. The design of the flag is combined with the colours of Rotterdam: green-white-green. The logo visible on all decorations has the form of a crown that is constructed from the pointy flag, along with 010 – the code of Rotterdam. The code of Rotterdam resembles a face with the ‘W’ of King Willem Alexander, and reversed it resembles the ‘M’ of Queen Maxima as a crown. And the good thing about this crown: it fits everyone!